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Danobatgroup, a benchmark in machine tools, continues to make progress in its sustainable management model. This can be drawn from the sustainability report presented last month by the Group during the recent Machine Tool Biennial, which incorporates all the actions carried out by the Group to achieve sustainable development within its area of influence.
In this regard, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become a reference framework for Danobatgroup to continue working for a fairer future for people and a more sustainable future for the planet. The industrial group has taken a step forward in its commitment to sustainability by introducing ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria among its priority strategic lines of action within its Strategic Plan 2021-2024.
"By integrating the SDGs within our organization, we are committed to continue moving towards sustainable growth, not only as another solid company, but also as a model of better development for society as a whole," explains Pello Rodriguez, general director of Danobatgroup.
Caring for the planet
Danobatgroup´s commitment to society also extends to the conservation and protection of the environment and the fight against climate change. In this respect, the group develops a series of actions to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere, promotes the use of renewable energy sources within its cooperatives and dedicates R+D+i resources to develop processes, products and services that contribute to reducing the consumption of energy and natural resources.
Specifically, the companies comprising Danobatgroup make investments to modernize their infrastructures and facilities and introduce energy and environmental criteria in the design and development of products with the aim of reducing their environmental impact throughout their life cycle. Likewise, among other actions to be highlighted, they also incorporate different digital technologies and artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of manufacturing systems.
The group´s companies are supported by an Environmental and Energy Management System based on continuous improvement. The solidity of this system is evidenced by its certification based on the international ISO 14001 standard, which is complemented by an Energy Management System certified according to ISO 50001 at Danobat and an Ecodesign Management System in accordance with ISO 14006 at Soraluce, the first company in the machine tool sector to obtain this certification in 2010.
To achieve its environmental commitments, Danobagroup also collaborates with the community. In this sense, its participation as an investor in the EKIAN project, the largest solar energy park in the Basque Country, promoted by the Basque energy Agency and KREAN (MONDRAGON Corporation), is noteworthy.
People at the core
Danobatgroup, made up of 1,400 professionals, places people at the core of its activity. Not only to create stable and quality jobs, but also to generate an optimal environment for the personal and professional development of all the people who are part of the organization, under the parameters of diversity, equality and non-discrimination.
he group´s commitment to the strategic management of talent is reflected in constant training and professional development programs, as well as in university-company collaborations that result in several agreements with different academic institutions, such as the Universitiy of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra (Tecnun), Mondragon University, the University of Deusto and the Machine Tool Institute. Annually, around 80 people spend some time at Danobatgroup through different dual formats such as internships, projects or alternations. Particularly noteworthy is the Workshop School for Assemblers, a project developed in collaboration with the Machine Tool Institute, which offers dual vocational training on an alternating basis and is one of the first dual vocational training schools in the Basque Country.
Encouraging women´s access to scientific, technological and research careers is key to the sustainability of the industrial sector. For this reason, Danobatgroup participates in various projects that promote the creation of vocations and STEM references, such as STEAMsare, Bizilabe, ZTIM HUB and FIRST LEGO League, as well as making visible the contribution of women in the scientific and technological fields, through its support to the Ada Byron and Gladys awards.
Danobatgroup´s commitment to people extends to society as a whole through its support for more than 100 social transformation initiatives. Among them, the collaborative project Elkarrekin Eragin stands out, launched in 2018 with the aim of raising the group´s social commitment and supporting the development of cooperation projects through the participation of workers. Through this project, the group has collaborated with entities such as Bizipoza, Walk on Project (WOP) or Gautena, the Gipuzkoa Autism Association. Specifically, and as part of its commitment to social transformation, Danobatgroup has allocated a total of 600,000 euros to this second edition of the project for the years 2021-2022-2023.
Through this roadmap, which incorporates the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, Danobatgroup seeks to reinforce its commitment to bring social, environmental and economic value to society as a whole. Achieving a more sustainable future for everyone through sustainable management of industrial activity is one of the goals set for the current strategic period. To meet this target, and as it has been doing since its origins, the Group pays special attention to strengthening cooperative governance and to building a working environment that improves people´s quality of life and allows them to develop in an integral manner, collaborating at all times with companies, institutions and social actors to promote alliances that bring value to society.
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